About Brander Group

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Entries by Brander Group

IP Bandwidth Usage & Demand Forecast for 2024

Despite increasing internet bandwidth demand, Deloitte anticipates a slowdown as technology and consumer behavior evolve, suggesting a stable 100Mbps connection would suffice for most households in the near future.

IPv4 Transfer Requests Outpace Previous Year – November

After fluctuations, the IPv4 Market has exhibited price and demand stability since January 2023, increasing confidence for a strong 2024. The number of IPv4 Transfer Requests has also increased year-to-date, promoting informed market decision-making.

FCC’s $18b Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model

The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been implementing various programs to bridge the digital divide and provide high-speed internet in rural areas. One such program is the Connect America Fund (CAF), which provides financial support to telecom carriers that offer broadband and voice services in high-cost areas.

Signs of a Stable & Healthy IPv4 Market – October 2023

A healthy market, whether it’s a financial market, real estate market, or any other type of market, is characterized by certain signs and conditions that indicate stability, efficiency, and fairness.  The IPv4 market began in response to the exhaustion of a rare technology and a surge in client demand in 2015.

IPv4 Transfer Market Stability – August 2023

Even in uncertain times, the IPv4 address market continues on a steady path of recovery. After approximately 18 months of demand decreasing and significant price drops, there is now a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Perhaps, sentiment regarding inflation and heightened interest rates are affecting the market as we near the new year; with anticipation of positive news and more stability.

$42 Billion Broadband Equity Access & Deployment Program

In a world where connectivity is no longer a luxury but a necessity, the digital divide remains a stark reality for many communities. The emergence of the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program, a groundbreaking initiative with a budget of $42.45 Billion, promises to reshape the landscape of internet accessibility, economic empowerment, and educational advancement for underserved areas across the nation.

IPv4 Address Market Heating Back Up – July 2023

The theme of today’s blog is…. let the good times keep rolling. The IP market is heating up and we are finally beginning to see a very positive trend in IPv4 address demand. The new baseline has changed over the past 4 months and is close to the consistency we have seen in the past when IPv4 prices were constantly on the rise.