Project Scope
Abilene Christian University embarked on a significant and complex project in 2021 involving the readdressing of our IPv4 addresses with the intentions to monetize a portion of our unused IP address holdings.
The university engaged the Brander Group, a reputable IPv4 address brokerage firm, to facilitate this process. In this case, the primary challenge in this endeavor was the necessity for comprehensive readdressing and redesigning of ACU’s existing IPv4 address space.
Specifically, restructuring was crucial to isolate and prepare substantial blocks of IP addresses for sale, while keeping the integrity of our mission-critical IP addresses in mind.
Ultimately, the end goal was to free up large IPv4 subnets that were marketable and compliant with buyer requirements.
Complexity & Process
One of the complex elements of the project was implementing a phased readdressing strategy for the university’s IP addresses, so there would be no interruption.
To achieve this, the process entailed creating new network segments to smoothly transition devices and users. Thus, the processes avoided interrupting the daily operations of the campus. For this reason, an intentional approach required careful coordination among various IT teams, to ensure that there was minimal impact on the university’s daily operations and services.
The readdressing process involved technical adjustments. This required updating network policies and documentation to align with the IPv4 new address structure. The timeline set for this project stretched from its inception in 2021, with an anticipated completion by 2024. An extended timeline was essential to manage the complexities and to ensure a seamless transition for all network stakeholders.
Utilization of Profits
The successful execution of this project resulted in a substantial generation of supplemental profit through the sale of IP addresses.
Consequently, the revenue from this sale was strategically allocated towards a critical need within the university. This allowed funds to be used for a number of capital improvements, including refreshing and upgrading outdated access control hardware and other IT initiatives.
To summarize, these investments were pivotal in enhancing campus security and thus ensure a safe environment for students, faculty, and staff.

$450,000 +
Funds raised for the university
Enhancing campus security
2 years
Readdressing timeline