IPv4 Subnet Calculator
Instant IPv4 subnet calculations, determine total number of IPs, how an IPv4 block breaks down into smaller subnets, and more.
Instant IPv4 subnet calculations, determine total number of IPs, how an IPv4 block breaks down into smaller subnets, and more.
Calculating CIDR and determining the correct subnets within a /16 or /19 can be challenging and error-prone when done manually. The process is time-consuming and tedious, with plenty of room for mistakes.
Weโve simplified this with our instant IPv4 subnet calculator. It effortlessly calculates the total number of IPs, shows how an IP block divides into smaller subnets, fixes mistaken subnets and more.
If you have any unused IP addresses, they can bring in some serious revenue. We created a useful calculator based on the subnet sizes and agverage pricing data from this calendar year. Just choose your subnet, and let us calculate the potenatial value of your unused IPs address assets.
A subnet is a division of an IP network, a set of protocols used on the Internet and similar networks. Known as TCP/IP, subnetting involves dividing a network into multiple subnetworks, with routers facilitating traffic exchange and acting as physical boundaries. While IPv4 remains prevalent, IPv6 usage has surged since 2006.
An IP address includes a network number (routing prefix) and a rest field (host identifier). The routing prefix is usually expressed in CIDR notation for both IPv4 and IPv6. CIDR creates unique identifiers for networks and devices. In IPv4, subnet masks, often shown in dot-decimal notation, distinguish the network number from the host identifier. IPv6 uses the network prefix similarly, with prefix length indicating the number of address bits.
Before CIDR, IPv4 network prefixes were derived from the IP address class (A, B, or C) and network mask. Now, IP address assignment requires both an address and its network mask, reflecting modern advancements in network architecture.
Class A subnets, known as a /8, consist of the 256 Ipv4 blocks in the first octet. Example: 79.xxx.xxx.0/8
IPv4 Block Size | Total # of IPโs |
/8 | 16,777,216 |
/9 | 8,388,608 |
/10 | 4,194,304 |
/11 | 2,097,152 |
/12 | 1,048,576 |
/13 | 524,288 |
/14 | 262,144 |
/15 | 131,072 |
A Class B subnet, or /16, consists of the 256 Ipv4 blocks in the second octet. Example: xxx.79.xxx.0/16
IPv4 Block Size | Total # of IPโs |
/16 | 65,536 |
/17 | 32,768 |
/18 | 16,384 |
/19 | 8,192 |
/20 | 4,096 |
/21 | 2,046 |
/22 | 1,022 |
/23 | 510 |
A Class C subnet, commonly referred to as a /24, consist of the 256 Ipv4 blocks in the third octet. Example: xxx.xxx.79.0/16
IPv4 Block Size | Total # of IPโs |
/24 | 256 |
/25 | 128 |
/26 | 64 |
/27 | 32 |
/28 | 16 |
/29 | 8 |
/30 | 4 |
/31 | 2 |
Transferable to: ARIN, APNIC, RIPE
Region: ARIN
Total IPs: 8,192
Price/IP: $XX,XX
Price: $XX,XXX
Transferable to: ARIN, APNIC, RIPE
Region: APNIC
Total IPs: 512
Price/IP: $XX.XX
Price: $XX,XXX
Transferable to: ARIN, APNIC, RIPE
Region: RIPE
Total IPs: 65,536
Price/IP: $XX.XX
Price: $X,XX,XXX