
California Opens Applications for $2B BEAD Program
IPv4 BlogCalifornia opens the $2B BEAD Subgrantee Selection Process, inviting ISPs to apply from March 25 to April 23, 2025, for broadband expansion

Arizona’s $993 Million BEAD Funding Program
IPv4 BlogArizonas deadline for round 1 of the $993 BEAD funding program has been extended to March 7, 2025, allowing more time for submissions.

$229 Million Vermont BEAD Program Preliminary Round
IPv4 BlogVermont’s BEAD program completes the preliminary round, with nine ISPs competing for $229 million to expand statewide broadband access

$652 Million in Minnesota BEAD Funding Moves Forward
IPv4 BlogMinnesota's $652 million BEAD funding aims to connect 89,000 homes and businesses, ensuring statewide access to high-speed broadband services.

Missouri Closes Round 1 for $1.7 Billion BEAD Program
IPv4 BlogMissouri received 519 BEAD applications in round 1 of its BEAD phase, covering 90% of eligible sites. Sub-Round 1 opens March 7
February Showing Strong IPv4 Demand Driven by BEAD
IPv4 BlogJanuary 2025 started strong with 150 IPv4 transfer requests. This is an increase of +4% compared to 2024, +6% compared to 2023 and +12% over 2022. Looks like a positive trend over the last three years since we saw the market dip to the bottom.

New Mexico BEAD Update: Pre-Qualification open Until Nov. 1
IPv4 BlogUpdate on the New Mexico BEAD program. Learn about the prequalification process for planning, financing, and deploying broadband networks.

BEAD Funding Update: The Delaware Broadband Initiative
IPv4 BlogSeptember 2024 update on Delaware's Broadband Initiative: a $107 million federal funding program for universal high-speed Internet.

$1.3 billion BEAD Funding Allocated to Louisiana
IPv4 BlogLouisiana's pre qualifies 33 internet service providers, including major tier 1 carriers, to participate in their $1.3 Billion BEAD Funding allocations

NTIA approves BEAD Funds for Colorado and New Hampshire
IPv4 BlogThe Biden-Harris administration has approved the second phase of Colorado’s & New Hampshire’s plans for its flagship broadband expansion program, raising the total number of approved states to nine, along with the District of Columbia. New Hampshire received $196 million & Colorado received $826 million