FCC Announces $18 Billion E-ACAM Funds to Expand Broadband in Rural Areas

The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been implementing various programs to bridge the digital divide and provide high-speed internet in rural areas. One such program is the Connect America Fund (CAF), which provides financial support to telecom carriers that offer broadband and voice services in high-cost areas. However, there were concerns about the accuracy of CAF’s cost model and its ability to determine appropriate support amounts for eligible carriers. In response to these concerns, the FCC launched a proceeding to develop an alternative cost model that would better reflect the costs of deploying broadband and voice services in rural areas.

The Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (EACAM) was developed by the FCC in 2016. It is designed to determine the amount of support that should be provided to eligible telecommunications carriers in order to deploy broadband and voice services to rural areas.  In October of 2023, ECAM announced the release of $18 Billion to rural network providers.  These funds will be used for internet connectivity builds,  network equipment and purchasing IPv4 addresses.

EACAM is a forward-looking cost model that takes into account various factors such as technology, geography, and density to determine the cost of deploying broadband and voice services in a particular area. It also includes updated data on construction costs, equipment prices, and labor expenses.

The model allows for flexibility in calculating support amounts based on different scenarios, such as varying service speeds and deployment timelines. This is important because the cost of deploying broadband can vary significantly depending on the type of technology used and the terrain of the area.

EACAM also incorporates a competitive bidding mechanism to ensure that support amounts are reasonable and cost-effective. This involves using market-based benchmarks to determine the maximum amount of support a carrier can receive for deploying broadband in a particular area. This promotes competition among carriers, leading to more efficient use of funds and better services for consumers.

The EACAM program has several benefits over the previous cost model used by the FCC. One major advantage is its ability to accurately reflect the costs of deploying broadband and voice services in rural areas, ensuring that eligible carriers receive adequate support to provide these services.

The competitive bidding mechanism also promotes efficiency and transparency in the distribution of funds, reducing potential waste and abuse. This results in better use of taxpayer dollars and more effective implementation of universal service policies.

Additionally, EACAM allows for flexibility in calculating support amounts, taking into account the unique characteristics and challenges of each rural area. This ensures that support is tailored to the specific needs of each community, leading to more targeted and impactful broadband deployment.

Here is a list of rural network providers that were awarded funds over a 15-year period.

StateHolding CompanyFunding Mechanism Annual Distribution Total 15 Distribution
ALFarmers Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc.BLS $                      1,961,141 $                          101,818,553
ALFuture Fiber FinCo, LLCACAM $                      2,002,419 $                            32,038,704
ALMoundville Communications, Inc.BLS $                         341,909 $                              9,675,629
ALNew Hope Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (AL)BLS $                         457,160 $                            49,785,002
ALPine Belt Communications Co. Inc.BLS $                         773,877 $                            29,793,258
ALTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      3,427,463 $                            54,839,408
ALTroy Cablevision, Inc.ACAM $                      2,434,180 $                            38,946,880
ARCentral Arkansas Telephone Cooperative, Inc.BLS $                         780,701 $                            50,248,687
ARD D & B, Inc.BLS $                         111,341 $                            58,892,430
ARDobson Technologies, Inc.BLS $                         118,382 $                            15,630,172
ARMADCO Holding CompanyBLS $                      2,114,108 $                            47,869,534
ARSouth Arkansas Telephone Co.ACAM $                      2,541,996 $                            40,671,936
ARSouthwest Arkansas Telephone Cooperative, Inc.BLS $                      2,075,217 $                          129,783,946
ARSpectracomm, Inc.ACAM $                      2,031,200 $                            39,303,580
ARTownes Telecommunications, Inc.ACAM $                      1,482,678 $                            23,722,848
ARYelcot Holding Group, Inc.ACAM $                      4,155,655 $                            66,490,480
AZFort Mojave Telecommunications, Inc.BLS $                         207,353 $                            28,630,182
AZPonderosa Communications, Inc.ACAM $                      5,165,242 $                            82,643,872
AZTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      3,700,515 $                            59,208,240
AZWyyerd Group LLCACAM $                      1,803,971 $                            28,863,536
CABryan Family Inc.ACAM $                      1,352,715 $                            21,643,440
CALICT CorporationACAM $                      3,099,343 $                            49,589,488
CATelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      3,771,446 $                            60,343,136
COAgate Mutual Telephone Cooperative AssociationACAM $                         730,410 $                            11,686,560
COBlanca Telephone Company/Jade Communications LLCBLS $                      2,233,234 $                            30,297,776
CODirect Management CompanyACAM $                         243,576 $                              3,897,216
COFarmers Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                      1,624,373 $                            25,989,968
COJED Enterprises, Inc.ACAM $                      1,659,743 $                            26,555,888
CONucla-Naturita Telephone CompanyACAM $                      3,336,930 $                            53,390,880
CONunn Telephone CompanyBLS $                         769,108 $                            16,211,108
CORoggen Telephone Cooperative CompanyACAM $                         470,717 $                              7,531,472
COTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      1,377,620 $                            22,041,920
COThe Peetz Cooperative Telephone CompanyACAM $                         413,633 $                              6,618,128
COTownes Telecommunications, Inc.ACAM $                      2,858,567 $                            45,737,072
COUSConnect Holdings, Inc.ACAM $                      6,221,896 $                            99,550,336
COWiggins Telephone AssociationACAM $                      2,012,785 $                            32,204,560
FLTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                         524,863 $                              8,397,808
FLTownes Telecommunications, Inc.ACAM $                         512,761 $                              8,204,176
GAAlma Telecom, Inc.ACAM $                      1,852,472 $                            29,639,552
GACitizens Telephone Co. – GAACAM $                      1,547,579 $                            24,761,264
GADycom Holding, Inc.ACAM $                      2,217,662 $                            35,482,592
GAFail Telecommunication CorporationACAM $                           46,929 $                              1,208,739
GAPineland Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      3,627,646 $                            58,042,336
GAPlant Telephone CompanyACAM $                      2,452,379 $                            39,238,064
GAPlanters Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.BLS $                      1,891,340 $                            99,736,450
GAProgressive Rural Telephone Co-Op., Inc.ACAM $                      1,577,637 $                            25,242,192
GATelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      1,689,699 $                            28,547,292
GATrenton Telephone Co.BLS $                         713,008 $                            19,656,673
IAAlliance Communications Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      1,171,309 $                            18,740,944
IABreda Telephone Corp.ACAM $                      1,030,576 $                            16,489,216
IABrooklyn Mutual Telecommunications CooperativeACAM $                         416,263 $                              6,660,208
IAButler-Bremer Mutual Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,199,710 $                            19,195,360
IACitizens Mutual Telephone CooperativeACAM $                      2,066,103 $                            33,057,648
IAClarence Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                         457,703 $                              7,323,248
IACommunications 1 Network, Inc.ACAM $                         571,557 $                              9,144,912
IACommunications 1 Network, Inc.BLS $                         157,369 $                              4,441,851
IACooperative Telephone CompanyACAM $                         906,718 $                            14,507,488
IACorn Belt Telephone CompanyACAM $                         377,917 $                              6,046,672
IADanville Mutual Telephone CompanyACAM $                         340,783 $                              5,452,528
IAEllsworth Cooperative Telephone AssociationBLS $                         426,086 $                              7,940,484
IAF&B Communications, Inc.ACAM $                         737,781 $                            11,804,496
IAFarmers Mutual Cooperative Telephone Company-HarlanACAM $                         969,895 $                            15,518,320
IAFarmers Mutual Telephone Company of Stanton, IowaBLS $                      1,417,912 $                            53,825,571
IAFarmers Mutual Telephone Company-JesupACAM $                         415,374 $                              6,645,984
IAFarmers Telephone Company-BataviaBLS $                         312,882 $                              5,187,416
IAFarmers Telephone Company-EssexACAM $                         431,596 $                              6,905,536
IAFenton Cooperative Telephone CompanyACAM $                         141,435 $                              2,262,960
IAGrand Mound Cooperative Telephone AssociationACAM $                         316,233 $                              5,059,728
IAGrand River Mutual Telephone CorporationACAM $                      5,957,521 $                            95,320,336
IAHawkeye Telephone CompanyACAM $                         267,340 $                              4,277,440
IAJefferson Telephone CompanyACAM $                         807,847 $                            12,925,552
IAKillduff Telephone CompanyACAM $                           87,238 $                              1,395,808
IALICT CorporationACAM $                      1,532,174 $                            24,514,784
IALa Motte Telephone CompanyACAM $                         828,668 $                            13,258,688
IALehigh Valley Cooperative Telephone AssociationBLS $                         767,387 $                            13,086,487
IALynnville Telephone CompanyACAM $                         293,337 $                              4,693,392
IAMTC TechnologiesBLS $                      1,120,622 $                            19,042,573
IAMabel Cooperative Telephone CompanyACAM $                         620,903 $                              9,934,448
IAMassena Telephone CompanyACAM $                         597,774 $                              9,564,384
IAMinburn Telephone CompanyBLS $                         809,693 $                            21,747,480
IAModern Cooperative Telephone CompanyACAM $                         725,268 $                            11,604,288
IAMutual Telephone Company of Morning Sun, IowaACAM $                         379,237 $                              6,067,792
IANortheast Iowa Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,076,137 $                            17,218,192
IAOlin Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                         344,609 $                              5,513,744
IAOran Mutual Telephone CompanyACAM $                         189,223 $                              3,027,568
IAPanora Communications CooperativeBLS $                         418,645 $                            12,530,068
IAPartner Communications CooperativeACAM $                      1,699,290 $                            27,188,640
IAReadlyn Telephone CompanyACAM $                         332,319 $                              5,317,104
IAReasnor Telephone Company, LLCACAM $                         196,476 $                              3,143,616
IARiver Valley Telecommunications CooperativeACAM $                         669,734 $                            10,715,744
IARockwell Cooperative Telephone AssociationACAM $                         646,454 $                            10,343,264
IARoyal Telephone CompanyBLS $                         152,921 $                              4,720,781
IASac County Mutual Telephone CompanyACAM $                         585,470 $                              9,367,520
IASchaller Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,273,449 $                            20,375,184
IAScranton Telephone CompanyACAM $                         445,912 $                              7,134,592
IASearsboro Telephone CompanyACAM $                         185,359 $                              2,965,744
IASouth Slope Cooperative Telephone Company, Inc.BLS $                      1,975,074 $                            86,145,964
IASully Telephone AssociationACAM $                         392,057 $                              6,272,912
IATerril Telephone CooperativeACAM $                         154,438 $                              2,471,008
IAVan Buren Telephone Co., Inc.ACAM $                      1,853,448 $                            29,655,168
IAWest Iowa Telephone CompanyACAM $                      2,173,365 $                            34,773,840
IAWestern Iowa Telephone AssociationACAM $                      2,103,393 $                            33,654,288
IAWyoming Mutual Telephone CompanyACAM $                         328,962 $                              5,263,392
IDCambridge Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                      6,134,381 $                            98,150,096
IDFiler Mutual Telephone CompanyBLS $                         740,943 $                            40,095,620
IDHorizon Communications, Inc.ACAM $                      7,393,778 $                          118,300,448
IDProject Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, Inc.ACAM $                      2,947,654 $                            47,162,464
IDTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      1,630,236 $                            26,083,776
IDWestern Elite Incorporated ServicesACAM $                      1,331,112 $                            21,297,792
ILAdams Telephone Co-OperativeACAM $                      4,410,688 $                            70,571,008
ILCass Communications Management, Inc.ACAM $                      1,711,600 $                            27,385,600
ILClarksville Mutual Telephone CompanyACAM $                         563,315 $                              9,013,040
ILFlat Rock Telephone Co-Op, Inc.ACAM $                         350,614 $                              5,609,824
ILGrafton Communications, Inc.ACAM $                         359,839 $                              5,757,424
ILHamilton County Telephone Co-OpACAM $                      1,485,120 $                            23,761,920
ILProgressive Voice & Data, Inc.BLS $                         556,934 $                            18,803,348
ILShawnee Communications, Inc.ACAM $                      9,770,763 $                          156,332,208
ILStelle Telephone CompanyACAM $                           70,655 $                              1,130,480
INBloomingdale Home Telephone CompanyACAM $                         617,788 $                              9,884,608
INGreat Plains Communications, Inc.BLS $                      1,423,957 $                            48,320,257
INHancock Rural Telephone CorporationBLS $                         588,989 $                            72,128,635
INMonon Telephone Company Inc.BLS $                         385,122 $                            16,138,538
INNew Lisbon Telephone Company, Inc.BLS $                         450,653 $                            12,510,305
INTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      6,212,069 $                            99,393,104
INWashington County Rural Telephone CooperativeBLS $                         409,816 $                            43,441,636
KSBlue Valley Tele-Communications, Inc.BLS $                      3,352,654 $                            69,591,797
KSGolden Wheat, Inc.BLS $                      1,282,928 $                            47,306,697
KSLICT CorporationACAM $                      8,465,340 $                          135,445,440
KSLaHarpe Telephone Company, Inc. (KS)ACAM $                      1,816,198 $                            29,059,168
KSTelAtlantic, Inc.ACAM $                         256,654 $                              4,106,464
KSRural Telephone Service CompanyACAM $                    12,528,086 $                          200,449,376
KSTotah Communications, Inc.ACAM $                      2,898,046 $                            46,368,736
KSTownes Telecommunications, Inc.ACAM $                      1,985,134 $                            31,762,144
KSWamego Telephone Company, Inc.BLS $                      1,249,557 $                            89,790,995
KYBallard Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc.BLS $                      1,106,058 $                            56,747,029
KYFoothills Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc.BLS $                      3,564,943 $                            82,848,580
KYPeoples Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc.BLS $                      2,025,256 $                            73,025,361
KYSynergy Technology Partners, inc.BLS $                      4,297,653 $                          102,554,443
KYTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      2,324,084 $                            37,185,344
LAAmerican Broadband Holding CompanyACAM $                      3,328,060 $                            53,248,960
LACP-Tel Holdings, Inc.ACAM $                      1,626,563 $                            26,025,008
LANortheast Louisiana Telephone Co., Inc.BLS $                         593,767 $                            20,579,534
MARichmond Telephone Company LLCACAM $                           16,909 $                                 270,544
MDArmstrong Holdings, Inc.BLS $                           65,725 $                              6,110,892
MEFuture Fiber FinCo, LLCACAM $                      1,032,039 $                            16,512,624
MELincolnville Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,218,749 $                            19,499,984
METelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      4,364,746 $                            69,835,936
MIAllband Communications CooperativeACAM $                         862,009 $                            13,792,144
MIBaraga Telephone Company Inc.ACAM $                      2,536,020 $                            40,576,320
MIBloomingdale Telephone Company, Inc.BLS $                         392,343 $                            26,292,374
MICarr Communications, Inc.ACAM $                         887,122 $                            14,193,952
MIChapin Communications CorporationACAM $                         699,183 $                            11,186,928
MIHiawatha Communications, Inc.ACAM $                    13,030,741 $                          208,491,856
MIKALTELCO, Inc.ACAM $                      1,164,784 $                            18,636,544
MILICT CorporationACAM $                      9,674,643 $                          154,794,288
MISand Creek Communications CompanyACAM $                         342,160 $                              5,474,560
MITelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      4,746,146 $                            75,938,336
MNAlbany Mutual Telephone AssociationACAM $                      1,247,333 $                            19,957,328
MNAlliance Communications Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                         386,135 $                              6,178,160
MNArvig Enterprises, Inc.ACAM $                    31,480,850 $                          503,693,600
MNBenton Cooperative Telephone CompanyACAM $                      2,256,717 $                            36,107,472
MNConsolidated Telephone CompanyBLS $                      4,420,127 $                            84,629,243
MNEmily Cooperative Telephone CompanyBLS $                         516,738 $                            11,750,862
MNGarden Valley Telephone CompanyACAM $                    10,714,230 $                          171,427,680
MNGardonville Cooperative Telephone AssociationACAM $                      1,813,491 $                            29,015,856
MNHalstad Telephone CompanyACAM $                         830,683 $                            13,290,928
MNHarmony Telephone CompanyACAM $                         445,369 $                              7,125,904
MNJohnson Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,942,524 $                            31,080,384
MNKasson & Mantorville Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,061,059 $                            16,976,944
MNManchester-Hartland Telephone CompanyBLS $                         268,828 $                              4,650,716
MNPark Region Mutual Telephone CompanyACAM $                      3,825,994 $                            61,215,904
MNPaul Bunyan Rural Telephone CooperativeACAM $                      9,770,834 $                          156,333,344
MNRural Communications Holding CorporationACAM $                      3,551,496 $                            56,823,936
MNSpring Grove CommunicationsACAM $                         665,378 $                            10,646,048
MNTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      3,499,212 $                            55,987,392
MNTri-Co Technologies, LLCBLS $                           56,840 $                            10,787,574
MNUpsala Cooperative Telephone AssociationACAM $                         921,315 $                            14,741,040
MNWest Central Telephone Assn.ACAM $                      3,513,949 $                            56,223,184
MNWikstrom Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                      9,292,474 $                          148,679,584
MOAlma Communications CompanyBLS $                         468,355 $                              7,245,080
MOAmerican Broadband Holding CompanyACAM $                      3,525,364 $                            56,405,824
MOCable One, Inc.ACAM $                      7,334,349 $                          117,349,584
MOChariton Valley Telephone CorporationACAM $                      5,661,357 $                            90,581,712
MOCraw-Kan Telephone Cooperative Inc.ACAM $                      2,146,262 $                            34,340,192
MOEllington Telephone CompanyACAM $                      2,635,463 $                            42,167,408
MOGrand River Mutual Telephone CorporationACAM $                    10,400,501 $                          166,408,016
MOGreen Hills Telephone CorporationACAM $                      7,504,835 $                          120,077,360
MOKingdom Telephone CompanyBLS $                      2,478,805 $                            54,814,325
MOMark Twain Rural Telephone CompanyACAM $                      6,784,947 $                          108,559,152
MOMcDonald County Telephone CompanyBLS $                      1,421,326 $                            42,676,449
MOPeace Valley Telephone CompanyACAM $                         799,972 $                            12,799,552
MORock Port Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,248,354 $                            19,973,664
MOSTEL-COACAM $                      1,763,975 $                            28,223,600
MOTelAtlantic, Inc.BLS $                         571,695 $                            14,473,989
MOTownes Telecommunications, Inc.ACAM $                      1,734,000 $                            27,744,000
MSFail Telecommunication CorporationACAM $                         961,438 $                            15,383,008
MSSunflower Enterprises, Inc.BLS $                         570,742 $                            16,320,692
MSTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      1,856,209 $                            29,699,344
MTMid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                    35,892,248 $                          574,275,968
MTNorthern Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      6,453,283 $                          103,252,528
MTTriangle Telephone Cooperative Assn., Inc.BLS $                    26,593,436 $                          460,564,248
NCGridiron Fiber CorpACAM $                           70,483 $                              9,569,076
NCWilkes Telephone Membership CorporationBLS $                      2,187,718 $                          131,758,222
NCYadkin Valley Telephone Membership CorporationBLS $                         587,808 $                            86,278,926
NEAmerican Broadband Holding CompanyACAM $                      2,742,652 $                            43,882,432
NEArapahoe Telephone CompanyACAM $                      2,933,701 $                            46,939,216
NEBW TelcomBLS $                      2,143,045 $                            40,259,816
NEConsolidated Companies, Inc.ACAM $                      8,780,624 $                          140,489,984
NEDTC Holding CompanyBLS $                         959,651 $                            23,972,876
NEGreat Plains Communications, Inc.ACAM $                    33,251,968 $                          532,031,488
NEK & M Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                      1,849,713 $                            29,595,408
NENedelco, Inc.ACAM $                      9,655,894 $                          154,494,304
NENortheast Nebraska Telephone CompanyACAM $                      5,851,611 $                            93,625,776
NEPinpoint Holdings, Inc.BLS $                         764,234 $                            24,091,406
NESoutheast Nebraska Communications, Inc.BLS $                      1,465,654 $                            26,316,528
NEUSConnect Holdings, Inc.ACAM $                      4,530,096 $                            72,481,536
NHCIBL, Inc.ACAM $                           45,376 $                                 876,689
NHTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      1,415,697 $                            22,651,152
NHYankee Telecom, Inc.BLS $                         361,475 $                            17,599,905
NJCourt Square Capital PartnersBLS $                         107,397 $                              1,984,145
NMLICT CorporationACAM $                    13,363,883 $                          213,822,128
NMLa Jicarita Rural Telephone CooperativeBLS $                      2,316,498 $                            41,102,932
NMRoosevelt County Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      4,460,704 $                            71,371,264
NMSacred Wind Enterprises, Inc.BLS $                      5,683,655 $                          123,914,961
NVBeehive Telephone CompaniesACAM $                         911,946 $                            14,591,136
NVDay Management CorporationACAM $                         767,092 $                            12,273,472
NVLincoln Communications, Inc.ACAM $                      6,989,643 $                          111,834,288
NYArmstrong Holdings, Inc.ACAM $                      1,487,008 $                            23,792,128
NYAtlas Connectivity, LLCACAM $                         980,116 $                            15,681,856
NYChazy & Westport Telephone Corp.ACAM $                         756,312 $                            12,100,992
NYCitizens Telephone Company of Hammond NY, Inc.ACAM $                         866,286 $                            13,860,576
NYCourt Square Capital PartnersACAM $                         134,197 $                              2,147,152
NYDelhi Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,403,331 $                            22,453,296
NYEmpire Telephone Corporation/North Penn Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,494,308 $                            23,908,928
NYFishers Island Telephone CorporationACAM $                         527,117 $                              8,433,872
NYFuture Fiber FinCo, LLCBLS $                         846,228 $                            31,202,012
NYGermantown Telephone Company, Inc.BLS $                         363,785 $                              8,335,820
NYMargaretville Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                      1,843,903 $                            29,502,448
NYPattersonville Telephone Company (NY)ACAM $                         180,404 $                              2,886,464
NYTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      3,059,473 $                            48,951,568
NYThe Hancock Telephone CompanyACAM $                         601,569 $                              9,625,104
NYThe Middleburgh Telephone CompanyACAM $                      2,687,149 $                            42,994,384
OHArthur Mutual Telephone CompanyBLS $                         233,374 $                              3,749,482
OHBascom Mutual Telephone CompanyBLS $                         199,688 $                              5,668,052
OHBuckland Telephone Co.ACAM $                         286,188 $                              4,579,008
OHFort Jennings Telephone CompanyBLS $                         226,127 $                              7,088,847
OHGlandorf Telephone Co., Inc.BLS $                         117,632 $                              5,416,077
OHKalida Telephone Company, Inc.BLS $                         155,923 $                              6,539,634
OHPattersonville Telephone Company (OH)ACAM $                         297,097 $                              4,753,552
OHSycamore Telephone CompanyACAM $                         724,865 $                            11,597,840
OHThe Conneaut Telephone CompanyBLS $                         128,951 $                              9,585,108
OHThe Ottoville Mutual Telephone CompanyBLS $                         309,143 $                              7,545,488
OHWabash Mutual Telephone CompanyACAM $                         582,103 $                              9,313,648
OKAtlas Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                      2,235,460 $                            35,767,360
OKBixby Telephone CompanyBLS $                         292,538 $                            44,295,874
OKCherokee Telephone CompanyACAM $                      2,173,413 $                            34,774,608
OKDobson Technologies, Inc.ACAM $                      6,958,950 $                          111,343,200
OKDobson Technologies, Inc.BLS $                         274,762 $                            15,493,114
OKHilliary Communications, LLCACAM $                      6,349,594 $                          101,593,504
OKHilliary Communications, LLCBLS $                         317,973 $                            14,501,688
OKHinton Holding CompanyACAM $                      2,679,243 $                            42,867,888
OKPioneer Telephone Cooperative (OK)ACAM $                    26,388,582 $                          422,217,312
OKSanta Rosa Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      1,181,432 $                            18,902,912
OKTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      3,627,956 $                            58,047,296
OKTerral Telephone CompanyBLS $                         255,024 $                              5,041,728
OKValliant Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                      1,697,743 $                            27,163,888
ORDay Management CorporationACAM $                    10,555,080 $                          168,881,280
ORMolalla Communications CompanyBLS $                      1,829,460 $                          112,678,364
ORMonroe Telephone CompanyACAM $                         513,243 $                              8,211,888
OROregon Telephone CorporationACAM $                    10,699,789 $                          171,196,624
ORRoome Telecommunications Inc.ACAM $                         543,128 $                              8,690,048
ORScio Mutual Telephone AssociationBLS $                         647,531 $                            30,802,621
ORSt. Paul Cooperative Telephone AssociationACAM $                         715,015 $                            11,440,240
ORTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                         682,533 $                            10,920,528
PAArmstrong Holdings, Inc.BLS $                         384,738 $                            10,767,145
PAEmpire Telephone Corporation/North Penn Telephone CompanyACAM $                      2,536,721 $                            40,587,536
PAIronton Telephone CompanyBLS $                             6,989 $                              7,579,392
PALaurel Highland Total Communications, Inc.BLS $                      1,524,751 $                            31,917,846
PATelAtlantic, Inc.ACAM $                             6,320 $                                 109,758
PATelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                         989,517 $                            15,832,272
PAThe North-Eastern Pennsylvania Telephone CompanyACAM $                      2,229,349 $                            35,669,584
PATownes Telecommunications, Inc.ACAM $                           73,746 $                              1,179,936
PAVenus Telephone CorporationACAM $                         600,688 $                              9,611,008
SCCable One, Inc.BLS $                         411,006 $                          400,262,191
SCTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                         799,499 $                            12,791,984
SCWest Carolina Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      1,547,567 $                            26,484,929
SDAlliance Communications Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      3,419,384 $                            54,710,144
SDCheyenne River Sioux Tribe Telephone AuthorityBLS $                      3,375,685 $                            53,749,774
SDClarity Telecom, LLCACAM $                      4,773,731 $                            76,379,696
SDGolden West Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                    34,977,184 $                          559,634,944
SDHanson Communications, Inc.ACAM $                      3,491,432 $                            55,862,912
SDTrioTel Communications, Inc.ACAM $                      2,151,274 $                            34,420,384
SDVenture Communications Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                    10,033,907 $                          160,542,512
TNBen Lomand Rural Telephone Coop., Inc.BLS $                      5,306,403 $                          135,854,775
TNBledsoe Telephone Cooperative Inc.BLS $                      3,444,689 $                            67,659,796
TNDeKalb Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      4,280,152 $                            68,482,432
TNHighland Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (KY & TN)ACAM $                      3,632,993 $                            58,127,888
TNNorth Central Telephone Cooperative, Inc.BLS $                      3,786,301 $                          135,680,686
TNTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      8,423,913 $                          134,782,608
TNTwin Lakes Telephone Cooperative CorporationBLS $                      6,670,986 $                          209,031,896
TXAlenco Communications, Inc.BLS $                      5,618,465 $                            76,018,025
TXAmerican Broadband Holding CompanyACAM $                         341,007 $                              5,456,112
TXCap Rock Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      7,377,906 $                          118,046,496
TXCentral Texas Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      9,806,463 $                          156,903,408
TXColeman County Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      3,117,745 $                            49,883,920
TXColorado Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      5,337,951 $                            85,407,216
TXENMR Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                         424,624 $                              6,793,984
TXFirst American Holdings, Inc.ACAM $                         636,669 $                            10,186,704
TXFive Area Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      2,777,376 $                            44,438,016
TXGanado Telephone Company, Inc.BLS $                      1,066,094 $                            33,682,476
TXMid-Plains Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      3,650,761 $                            58,412,176
TXNevill Holdings, Inc.BLS $                    24,064,710 $                          276,039,360
TXPeoples Telephone CooperativeBLS $                      1,379,367 $                          122,629,788
TXPoka Lambro Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      6,174,451 $                            98,791,216
TXSanta Rosa Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      5,377,062 $                            86,032,992
TXSouth Plains Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      4,247,385 $                            67,958,160
TXTOTE Holdings LLCACAM $                      3,662,350 $                            58,597,600
TXTaylor Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      4,454,636 $                            71,274,176
TXValley Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (TX)BLS $                    15,213,188 $                          213,644,608
TXWes-Tex Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                    11,100,094 $                          177,601,504
TXWest Texas Rural Telephone Cooperative Inc.ACAM $                      3,132,754 $                            50,124,064
TXXIT Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      4,050,233 $                            64,803,728
UTDirect Management CompanyBLS $                         490,935 $                            12,957,253
UTGunnison Telephone CompanyACAM $                         526,922 $                              8,430,752
UTLICT CorporationACAM $                      9,517,639 $                          152,282,224
VACitizens Telephone Cooperative (VA)ACAM $                      1,997,303 $                            31,956,848
VAGridiron Fiber CorpACAM $                      3,123,709 $                            49,979,344
VAHighland Telephone Cooperative (VA)ACAM $                      1,484,519 $                            23,752,304
VAMecklenburg Electric CooperativeBLS $                         589,320 $                              6,702,430
VANew Hope Telephone Cooperative (VA)BLS $                         410,567 $                            14,699,278
VAPembroke Telephone CooperativeACAM $                      1,185,739 $                            18,971,824
VATelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      2,856,504 $                            45,704,064
VTCitizens Telephone Company of Hammond NY, Inc.BLS $                         702,551 $                            11,007,593
VTFuture Fiber FinCo, LLCACAM $                      1,576,170 $                            25,218,720
VTTelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                         487,990 $                              7,807,840
VTVermont National Telephone Company, Inc.BLS $                      2,040,764 $                            41,930,260
WAPioneer Telephone Holding CompanyACAM $                      2,395,529 $                            38,328,464
WASt. John Telephone, Inc.BLS $                         635,484 $                            13,255,318
WATelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                      2,345,505 $                            37,528,080
WAWahkiakum West Inc.BLS $                         930,345 $                            24,973,327
WAWestern Elite Incorporated ServicesACAM $                      1,551,880 $                            24,830,080
WAWestgate Communications LLCACAM $                         242,267 $                              3,876,272
WIAmery Telcom, Inc.ACAM $                      1,922,203 $                            30,755,248
WIAmherst Telephone CompanyACAM $                      3,285,720 $                            52,571,520
WIBaldwin Telecom, Inc.ACAM $                         923,342 $                            14,773,472
WIBloomer Telephone CompanyACAM $                         777,927 $                            12,446,832
WIBruce Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                      1,095,883 $                            17,534,128
WIClear Lake Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                         637,663 $                            10,202,608
WICoon Valley Farmers Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,115,976 $                            17,855,616
WIFarmers Independent Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,393,271 $                            22,292,336
WIHillsboro Telephone Company, Inc.ACAM $                         900,087 $                            14,401,392
WILICT CorporationACAM $                      1,198,028 $                            19,168,448
WILakeland Communications, Inc.BLS $                      1,672,251 $                            67,537,632
WIMount Horeb Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,279,213 $                            20,467,408
WINelson Telephone CooperativeBLS $                      2,182,970 $                            47,147,964
WIRichland-Grant Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      2,019,329 $                            32,309,264
WIRural Communications Holding CorporationACAM $                      2,903,437 $                            46,454,992
WISiren Telephone Company, Inc.BLS $                         470,266 $                            13,772,197
WISpring Valley Telephone Company, Inc.BLS $                         223,621 $                              8,844,324
WITelephone & Data Systems, incl. UScellularACAM $                    25,079,508 $                          401,272,128
WITri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      2,880,009 $                            46,080,144
WIVernon Telephone Cooperative, Inc.ACAM $                      3,924,423 $                            62,790,768
WIWittenberg Telephone CompanyACAM $                      1,094,663 $                            17,514,608
WIWood County Telephone CompanyACAM $                         861,784 $                            13,788,544
WIWood County Telephone CompanyBLS $                      1,626,529 $                          142,962,858
WVArmstrong Holdings, Inc.ACAM $                      4,140,620 $                            66,249,920
WVHardy Telecommunications, Inc.ACAM $                      4,170,685 $                            66,730,960
WVSpruce Knob Seneca Rocks Telephone, Inc.ACAM $                      1,349,484 $                            21,591,744
WVTelAtlantic, Inc.ACAM $                         556,200 $                              8,899,200
WYAll West Communications, Inc.ACAM $                         771,854 $                            12,349,664
WYHorizon Communications, Inc.ACAM $                      2,281,857 $                            36,509,712
WYMountain West Technologies CorporationACAM $                      1,476,942 $                            23,631,072

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