IPv4 Demand Stability Leading to Increased Activity
IPv4 BlogLike any healthy and predictable market cycle, IPv4 demand continues to remain steady. This consistency further promotes the notion of a stable market since there was no serious fluctuation in either direction.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) BYOIP Price Increase 2024
IPv4 BlogAmazon begins charging $6,387 per /24 per month for use of BYOIP (Bring Your Own IP) on AWS (Amazon Web Services).
How to Configure DNS for Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
IPv4 BlogSetting up DNS (Domain Name System) properly for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) requires configuring DNS servers and network infrastructure to ensure reliable & efficient domain name resolution for your end user subscribers.
IPv4 Market Recap, Patterns & 2024 Price Predictions
IPv4 BlogUse data and market psychology to compare IPv4 prices from previous years and determine what IPv4 price might be in 2024
Addressing IP Address Abuse in the IPv4 Transfer Market
IPv4 BlogLearn about IP transfer abuse and how it can compromise your security. Discover best practices for safeguarding your IP addresses.
Thinking of Migrating to IPv6 from IPv4 Addresses?
IPv4 BlogWhile both are viable options for enterprise networks, There are good reasons to migrate from IPv4 to IPv6; the current standard IP protocol.
How Will Market Stability Affect IPv4 Prices in 2024
IPv4 BlogIn 2024, U.S. “Internet for All” initiatives – $18 billion E-ACAM program and $42 Billion BEAD program – indicate increased IPv4 demand.
IP Bandwidth Usage & Demand Forecast for 2024
IPv4 BlogDespite increasing internet bandwidth demand, Deloitte anticipates a slowdown as technology and consumer behavior evolve, suggesting a stable 100Mbps connection would suffice for most households in the near future.
IPv4 Transfer Requests Outpace Previous Year – November
IPv4 BlogAfter fluctuations, the IPv4 Market has exhibited price and demand stability since January 2023, increasing confidence for a strong 2024. The number of IPv4 Transfer Requests has also increased year-to-date, promoting informed market decision-making.
FCC’s $18b Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model
IPv4 BlogThe United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been implementing various programs to bridge the digital divide and provide high-speed internet in rural areas. One such program is the Connect America Fund (CAF), which provides financial support to telecom carriers that offer broadband and voice services in high-cost areas.