Trusted IPv4 blog for the latest news, trends, analysis and market dynamics. Our analytics gather and evaluate IPv4 transfer data from ARIN, RIPE and APNIC and share the research with the rest of the world. We also write about related topics in the network infrastructure industry.

IPv4 Blacklist Service SORBs Shuts Down

IPv4 Blacklist Service SORBS Shuts Down

SORBS, the pioneering spam email & IPv4 blacklist service, has shut down, marking an end of an era for free and open-source software.
The OMB IPv6 Mandate: How it is Progressing in 2024

The United States Federal Government’s IPv6 Mandate

The U.S. Federal Government's mandate to adopt IPv6 by fiscal year ending 2025. Recent developments and projections for the OMB IPv6 mandate.
IPv4 Addresses Validated as a Valuable Asset Class2024

IPv4 Addresses Validated as a Valuable Asset Class

April IPv4 transfer requests were 163, which is +7% higher than this year’s average of 150 requests per month. Better off, April is a +13% increase over the 141 averages in 2023 and a +18% increase over the 134 averages in 2022.
Cogent Offers $206 Million in Secured Notes Backed by IPv42024

Cogent Offers $206 Million in Secured Notes Backed by IPv4

Cogent Communications (NASDAQ: CCOI), a leading global internet service provider, announced on April 25th 2024 a groundbreaking securitization offering. This move will see Cogent utilizing a significant portion of its IPv4 address space to issue up to $206,000,000 in securitized notes.
Is IPv4 Availability Becoming Scarce in 2024?

Is IPv4 Availability Becoming Scarce in 2024?

In recent years, the IPv4 market has been on a relentless upward trajectory, defying expectations, and confounding skeptics. Despite occasional setbacks and bouts of volatility, the overall trend has been undeniably bullish. What is driving this sustained optimism, and what does it mean for the network infrastructure industry?
The 5 Best Cloud Service Providers In 2024

The 5 Best Cloud Service Providers In 2024

Which cloud service providers (CSPs) made our list of the best in 2024? Learn about their strengths, drawbacks, and market dominance.
What is the Difference Between a Blacklist and a Blocklist?2024

What is the Difference Between IPv4 Blacklist & IPv4 Blocklist?

What is the difference between a blacklist and a blocklist in cybersecurity? Dive into the terminology and understand the distinctions.
IPv4 Demand Stability Leading to Increased Activity

IPv4 Demand Stability Leading to Increased Activity

Like any healthy and predictable market cycle, IPv4 demand continues to remain steady. This consistency further promotes the notion of a stable market since there was no serious fluctuation in either direction. 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) BYOIP Price Increase 2024

Amazon begins charging $6,387 per /24 per month for use of BYOIP (Bring Your Own IP) on AWS (Amazon Web Services).
How to Configure DNS for ISPs

How to Configure DNS for Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Setting up DNS (Domain Name System) properly for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) requires configuring DNS servers and network infrastructure to ensure reliable & efficient domain name resolution for your end user subscribers.